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테스트를 위하여 원하시는 세션을 선택하세요.(이부분은 실제 서비스 시 삭제 예정)

온라인 연수평점 출결시스템

DAY 1 - Saturday, June 4th, 2022

시간 프로그램명 연사 출결 확인
Session 1 09:30-11:00 The understandings of immunopathophysiology of atopic dermatitis Chair Eun-So Lee Ajou University Hospital 시작   종료
09:30-10:00 Mechanistic insights into IL-13 in atopic dermatitis pathophysiology Dong-Hun Lee Seoul National University Hospital
10:00-10:30 Immunopathologic consideration and characteristics in atopic dermatitis compared with psoriasis Tae-Young Han Eulji University, Nowon Eulji Medical Center
10:30-11:00 How about the others such as TH17 & 22 in atopic dermatitis pathogenesis? Yong-Hyun Jang Kyungpook National University Hospital
Session 2 11:20-12:00 Special lecture Ⅰ Chair Seong-Jun Seo Chung-Ang University Hospital 시작   종료
11:20-12:00 Safety of JAK inhibitors: lessons from rheumatology experiences Seoyoung C. Kim Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Luncheon 12:00-13:20 Abbvie sponsored lecture Chair Jee-Bum Lee Chonnam National University Hospital 시작   종료
12:00-12:40 What should be the 1st option for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis patients? Deep dive in H2H data between JAKi vs biologics Kilian Eyerich University of Freiburg, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Session 3 13:20-14:10 Special lecture Ⅱ Chair Sang-Hyun Cho The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital 시작   종료
13:20-14:10 Role of IL-17A producing innate lymphoid cells in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis Kyu-Han Kim Seoul National University Hospital
Session 4 14:10-15:10 Diagnosis and treatment approach in childhood and elderly atopic dermatitis Chair Chun-Wook Park Hallym University, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital 시작   종료
14:10-14:40 Clinical characteristics and a new treatment challenge in children atopic dermatitis Sang-Eun Lee Yonsei University College of Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital
14:40-15:10 The needs for definition and diagnostic criteria of elderly atopic dermatitis Min-Kyung Shin Kyung Hee University Medical Center
Session 5 15:30-16:35 Evolving practice in atopic dermatitis Chair Young-Lip Park Soonchunhyang University, Bucheon Hospital 시작   종료
15:30-16:10 Restoration of skin barrier function in atopic dermatitis: Goal or consequence of targeted therapy? Hyun Jong Kim Sejong Chungnam National University Hospital
16:10-16:35 Evolving practice guidelines in atopic dermatitis Hyun-Chang Ko Pusan National University Hospital
Session 6 16:35-17:10 Special lecture III Chair Moon-Bum Kim Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital 시작   종료
16:35-17:10 The burden and pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis and the benefits of JAK1 inhibition Michael Ardern-Jones University of Southampton, UK

DAY 2 - Sunday, June 5th, 2022

시간 프로그램명 연사 출결 확인
Session 7 09:30-10:40 The itch in atopic dermatitis Chair Sang-Wook Son Korea University Ansan Hospital 시작   종료
09:30-10:10 The mechanism and characteristics of itch in atopic dermatitis Brian Kim Mount Sinai West, USA
10:10-10:40 Optimal management of itch in atopic dermatitis : therapeutic apporoaches Jiehyun Jeon Korea University Guro Hospital
Session 8 11:00-12:10 Pfizer sponsored lecture Chair Eung-Ho Choi Wonju Severance Christian Hospital 시작   종료
11:00-11:40 Real-life experience with new innovative therapies, Abrocitinib Adelaide A. HebertMcGovern Medical School, USA
11:40-12:10 Emerging agent: What we can learn from the JADE clinical program Joo-Yeon Ko Hanyang University Hospital
Luncheon 12:10-13:30 Sanofi sponsored lecture Chair Kyu-Han Kim Seoul National University Hospital 시작   종료
12:10-12:50 Towards a long term disease control in atopic dermatitis and evolving treatments Emma Guttman-Yassky Mount Sinai Morningside and Mount Sinai West, USA
Session 9 13:30-14:20 Preparing for a new dawn in atopic dermatitis treatments: promising therapies Chair Young-Min Park The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital 시작   종료
13:30-13:50 Overview of emerging biologic therapies under clinical trials Ji Hyun Lee The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital
13:50-14:20 Effects and safety of upcoming therapies other than biologics Hye-One Kim Hallym University, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital
Session 10 14:20-15:30 Striving for advanced care in atopic dermatitis Chair Joo-Young Roh Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital 시작   종료
14:20-15:00 Raising the bar in atopic dermatitis management Chia-Yu CHU National Taiwan University, Taiwan
15:00-15:30 Journey of advance : Better standard of care for atopic dermatitis patients Ji-Young Ahn National Medical Center
Session 11 15:50-17:00 Lilly sponsored lecture Chair Sung-Eun Chang University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center 시작   종료
15:50-16:30 Baricitinib for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis : Treatment experience in Germany Stephan Weidinger Kiel, Germany
16:30-17:00 How to prescribe baricitinib : my experience Chan-Ho Na Chosun University Hospital

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